Sunday 16 May 2010

Heracles - A Close Look

One of the Hydra heads - mouth open

Mouth Closed

A glowing eye:- LEDs behind tissue paper

Inside the Hydra head - you can see it's constructed from newspaper Papier Mache on chicken-wire - also visible are the wires and battery pack for the LED eyes.

Cheron's hand - constructed on a latex glove using Halloween joke witches fingers, chicken-wire, tissue paper, glue, and painted to look like flaking skin on bone.

Cerberus masks/hats - constructed onto adjustable safety helmets to fit onto actors' heads using chicken-wire, black fabric, tissue paper, cardboard, gaffer tape and paint.

Monday 10 May 2010


QVC - Christmas Sets
October 2009

During October 2009 I worked for QVC (the Shopping Channel in case you don't know) making all of the Christmas decorations to go into the sets for the Christmas period. Julie Ash, the Production Designer basically showed me some mood boards and some examples of the kind of thing she wanted, and left me in a big room with a huge amount of raw materials to get making!

Some finished Christmas Trees - there were 13 in total.

A 'swag' - to go over the fireplace in the home set - made out of the top halves of two old white Christmas trees with lots of baubles and jintzy bits glued in.

Lots and lots of wrapped presents to go on shelves and in nooks and crannies in the sets. I wrapped them all. I may never wrap another present again...

Baubles - you get a general idea of the colour scheme...

My worktable

The view out of the window from where I was working